The Art And Therapeutic Nature Of Patterns
Workshops, Courses & Retreats Exploring The Oneness Of Things
Australia, International and Online Learning with Stephanie June Ellis & Kin
~ Terms & Conditions ~
Upon purchasing any class, course or membership loyalty plan
you accept and adhere to class these strict guidelines
Tutorials are created & owned by Stephanie June Ellis, Founder Of The Art Of Process.
All workshops are for educational purposes only
In no way are videos, class notes & presentations allowed to be used for profit.
If you are part of the SG TT and plan to teach
Pease be innovative with your offerings and credit where applicable.
Please do not share your login details with other people.
Your privacy is under your own discretion. You have the option to publicly share content with fellow members as you please
Please contact the site owner directly for any workshop related questions
Attention Stephanie ~ hello@theartofprocess.art
If you do not follow these Terms & Conditions accordingly you will be blocked from the website.
~ Refund Policy for Retreats and Courses ~
Please note ~ A strict refund policy is in place due to preparation, costs and other people missing out on this experience.
3 months before retreat date deposits are transferable not refundable
After ~ Loss of Deposit